Eagerly looking forward to joining my dear friend and colleague Dr. R. Douglas Helvering for our new online course entitled The Composer's Toolkit in May (2023)!

This is a course designed to share and discuss useful insider information we've learned during our careers with our composer colleagues of all skill levels. We'll discuss digital audio workstations, notation software, open source tools, tried and true compositional tips regarding counter-melodies, form, organization of ideas, being your own critic and boss, self-editing, voicings, and much more. Lastly, we'll discuss the unique 21st century challenges composers face, from social media to graphic design to online distribution and taxes.
We'll be meeting for five 90-minute sessions on Mondays in May. There are no prerequisites, but we will be discussing music with a literacy and understanding that is at an undergraduate collegiate level.
Find More Information at https://www.rdouglashelvering.com/teaching
ENROLL HERE: https://www.patreon.com/doughelvering (choose the Composer's Toolkit tier, tuition only billed once not monthly.)
